Fields of table "equity" (Equity)
    Fields of table "AllISINS" (All ISINs)
    Fields of table "factors" (Equity factors)
    Fields of table "account" (Accounting)
    Fields of table "equityindex_linked" (equityindex_linked)
    Fields of table "bondindex" (Bonds Index)
    Fields of table "WarrantsInfo" (Warrants info)
    Fields of table "Warrants" (Warrants)
    Fields of table "BondInfo" (Bonds Info)
    Fields of table "FutureForwards" (Futures and forwards)
    Fields of table "bonds" (Bonds)
    Fields of table "options" (Options)
    Fields of table "mutualfund" (Mutual funds)
    Fields of table "SecuritiesInfo" (Stocks info)
    Fields of table "equityindex" (Stocks indicies)
    Fields of table "newsweb" (News bulletins)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
Internal code | bigint(8) | Internal code |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company id |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(30) | ISIN |
Name | varchar(150) | of associated equity |
BestBidPrice | float(8) | Best bid price |
BestAskPrice | float(8) | Best ask price |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
Close | float(8) | Closing price |
NumberOfTrades | bigint(8) | |
Volume | float(8) | |
Turnover | float(8) | |
VolumeWeightedAveragePrice | float(8) | |
Price | float(8) | Price |
AdjustedPrice | float(8) | Adjusted price |
Dividends | float(8) | Last payed dividend |
LDividends | float(8) | Lagged dividend |
CorpAdj | float(8) | Corp adjustments (splits etc.) |
DividendAdj | float(8) | Dividend adjustment factor |
Currency | varchar(5) | Currency. Currently allways NOK |
NumberOfShares | float(8) | Number of shares issued (not free float adjusted) |
Exchange | varchar(10) | Exchange |
NOKPerForex | float(8) | Exchange rate. Currently allways 1 |
mktcap | float(8) | Market capitalization |
OSEBXmktshare_prevmnth | float(8) | Prevoius month market share in OSEBX index |
OSEBXAlpha_prevmnth | float(8) | Prevoius month alpha relative to OSEBX index |
OSEBXBeta_prevmnth | float(8) | Prevoius month beta relative to OSEBX index |
SMB | float(8) | SMB Fama-French factor |
HML | float(8) | HML Fama french factor |
LIQ | float(8) | LIQ Pastor-Stambaugh factor |
MOM | float(8) | MOM Fama-French factor |
lnDeltaP | float(8) | log return of the adjusted price (CorpAdj and DividendAdj) |
lnDeltaOSEBX | float(8) | log return of the OSEBX index |
lnDeltaOBX | float(8) | log return of the OBX index |
NOWA_DayLnrate | float(8) | Log difference of Norwegian Overnight Weighted Average rate from the norwegian central bank after 2013. NIBOR before that. Formula: ln(r/100+1)/225 |
bills_3month_Lnrate | float(8) | 3 months Norwegian Goverment Bills ( Formula: ln(r/100+1)/225 |
Sector | varchar(120) | Sector |
IN_OSEBX | int(4) | True if the stock is in the OSEBX index at the moment |
Equity | float(8) | Amount of Equity |
Debt | float(8) | Amount of Debt |
Earnings | float(8) | Total earnings |
debt_ratio | float(8) | Debt ratio |
PE | float(8) | Price/Earnings |
ID | int(4) | |
    Fields of table "AllISINS" (All ISINs)
Field name | Type | Description |
Name | varchar(150) | Name |
Internal code | bigint(8) | Internal code |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | SecurityId |
ISIN | varchar(30) | ISIN |
    Fields of table "factors" (Equity factors)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
HML_H_B | float(8) | High B/M and small size portf. |
HML_H_S | float(8) | High B/M and small size portf. |
HML_L_B | float(8) | Low B/M and big size portf. |
HML_L_S | float(8) | Low B/M and small size portf. |
HML_N_B | float(8) | Neutral B/M and big size portf. |
HML_N_S | float(8) | Neutral B/M and small size portf. |
LIQ_H_B | float(8) | High liquidity and big size portf. |
LIQ_H_S | float(8) | High liquidity and small size portf. |
LIQ_L_B | float(8) | Low liquidity and big size portf. |
LIQ_L_S | float(8) | Low liquidity and small size portf. |
LIQ_N_B | float(8) | Neutr. liquidity and big size portf. |
LIQ_N_S | float(8) | Neutr. liquidity and small size portf. |
MOM_H_B | float(8) | High momentum and big size portf. |
MOM_H_S | float(8) | High momentum and small size portf. |
MOM_L_B | float(8) | Low momentum and big size portf. |
MOM_L_S | float(8) | Low momentum and small size portf. |
MOM_N_B | float(8) | Neutr. momentum and big size portf. |
MOM_N_S | float(8) | Neutr. momentum and small size portf. |
size_N_B | float(8) | Big firms portfolio |
size_N_S | float(8) | Small firms portfolio |
TOT_N_M | float(8) | Total portfolio (i.e. SMBX) |
SMB | float(8) | Fama-French small firms effect |
HML | float(8) | Fama-French value effect |
LIQ | float(8) | Pastor-Staumbaugh liquidity effect |
MOM | float(8) | Fama-French momentume effect |
ID | int(4) | |
    Fields of table "account" (Accounting)
Field name | Type | Description |
Name | varchar(150) | Name of company |
ISIN | varchar(30) | ISIN |
companyID | bigint(8) | Company id |
OrganizationID | bigint(8) | Organization ID (Brnnysund) |
Year | bigint(8) | Year |
description | varchar(100) | Description |
desc_simpl_en | varchar(100) | English description |
desc_simpl_no | varchar(100) | Norwegian description |
account_number | bigint(8) | Number representing the account item |
account_type | varchar(100) | Can be Costs, Current assets, Debt Equity, Fixed assets or Revenue |
Value | float(8) | Nummeric value (amount) |
CorporateAccountValue | float(8) | Value if in corporate account |
CompanyAccountValue | float(8) | Value if in company account |
source | varchar(11) | Where the data was fetched from |
Corporation | int(4) | True if its is corporate accounting |
ID | int(4) | |
    Fields of table "equityindex_linked" (equityindex_linked)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
OSEBXLinked | float(8) | OSEBX linked with previous OSE main index |
OBXLinked | float(8) | OBX linked with previous OSE main index |
OSEFXLinked | float(8) | |
ID | int(4) | |
    Fields of table "bondindex" (Bonds Index)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
Name | varchar(50) | Name of index |
IndexType | varchar(10) | Type of index |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
Close | float(8) | Closing price |
OpenYield | float(8) | Yield given opening price |
CloseYield | float(8) | Yield given closing price |
OpenDuration | float(8) | Duration given opening price |
CloseDuration | float(8) | Duration given closing price |
    Fields of table "WarrantsInfo" (Warrants info)
Field name | Type | Description |
FromDate | date(3) | Date issued |
ToDate | date(3) | Date of expiry |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security ID |
Symbol | varchar(22) | Symbol |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company ID |
CurrencyCode | varchar(10) | Currency of annual report |
SubscriptionPrice | float(8) | Subscription price |
WarrantType | int(4) | Type of warrant |
UnderlyingSecurity | bigint(8) | SID of underlying security |
TermsShares | float(8) | Terms shares |
WarrantsIssued | float(8) | Numbers of warrants issued |
TermsWarrants | float(8) | Terms warrants |
SecurityType | int(4) | Allways 5 |
ISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN |
SecurityName | varchar(50) | Name |
Currency | varchar(3) | Currency. Currently allways NOK |
Exchange | varchar(10) | Exhange |
EquityClassId | int(4) | Equity class id |
Description | varchar(40) | Description |
    Fields of table "Warrants" (Warrants)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company id |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(13) | ISIN |
Name | varchar(50) | of associated equity |
BestBidPrice | float(8) | Best bid price |
BestAskPrice | float(8) | Best ask price |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
Close | float(8) | Closing price |
OfficialNumberOfTrades | float(8) | Official number of trades |
OfficialVolume | float(8) | Official volume |
UnofficialNumberOfTrades | float(8) | Unofficial number of trades |
UnofficialVolume | float(8) | Unofficial volume |
VolumeWeightedAveragePrice | float(8) | Volume weighted average price |
Price | float(8) | Price |
Currency | varchar(3) | Currency. Currently allways NOK |
Description | varchar(40) | Description |
CountryCode | varchar(10) | Country code |
NOKPerForex | float(8) | Exchange rate. Currently allways 1 |
PriceNOK | float(8) | Price in NOK |
    Fields of table "BondInfo" (Bonds Info)
Field name | Type | Description |
Type | varchar(100) | Type |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
SecurityType | int(4) | Security type |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN |
SecurityName | varchar(78) | Security name |
EqName | varchar(50) | Name of associated equity |
EqSecurityID | bigint(8) | Security ID of associated equity |
eqISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN of associated equity |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company id |
Issuer | varchar(72) | Issuer |
FromDate | date(3) | From date |
ToDate | date(3) | To date |
IssueDate | date(3) | Issue date |
MaturityDate | date(3) | Maturity date |
ActualMaturityDate | date(3) | Acutal maturity date |
CouponDate | date(3) | Coupon date |
OpeningDate | date(3) | Opening date |
ClosingDate | date(3) | Closing date |
ExpirationDate | date(3) | Expiration date |
AnnouncementDate | date(3) | Announcement date |
InterestRegulationDate | date(3) | Interest regulation date |
CurrencyCode | varchar(10) | Currency of annual report |
CountryCode | varchar(10) | Country code |
SectorId | int(4) | Sector id |
Exchange | int(4) | Exchange |
ListingType | int(4) | Listing type |
BondIssueType | int(4) | Bond issue type |
BondType | int(4) | Bond type |
AmortizationType | int(4) | Amortization type |
DownPaymentMethod | int(4) | Down payment method |
BondDescription | varchar(1000) | Bond description |
InterestAsOf | date(3) | Interest as of |
FirstCouponPayment | date(3) | First coupon payment |
FirstDownPayment | date(3) | First down payment |
CouponRate | float(8) | Coupon rate |
CouponInformation | int(4) | Coupon information |
CouponSpread | float(8) | Coupon spread |
FirstCouponRate | date(3) | First coupon rate |
SecondCouponRate | date(3) | Second coupon rate |
RiskCategory | int(4) | Risk category |
BondSector | int(4) | Bond sector |
CSD | int(4) | CSD |
MaxAmount | float(8) | Max amount |
DenominationAmount | float(8) | Denomination amount |
CashFlowDate | date(3) | Cash flow date |
CashFlowTypeId | int(4) | Cash flow Type ID |
Price | float(8) | Price |
NominalAmountVPS | float(8) | Nominal amount VPS |
NominalAmountTotal | float(8) | Nominal amount total |
OptionType | varchar(3) | Option type |
TimeType | int(4) | Time type |
ExCount | int(4) | Ex count |
    Fields of table "FutureForwards" (Futures and forwards)
Field name | Type | Description |
ID | bigint(8) | ID |
Date | date(3) | Date |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
IssuerName | varchar(50) | Issuer name |
Symbol | varchar(20) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN |
ContractSymbol | varchar(10) | Contract symbol |
Description | varchar(30) | Description |
ExDate | date(3) | Ex date |
IssuerSecurityId | bigint(8) | Issuer security id |
IssuerSymbol | varchar(10) | Issuer symbol |
BestBidPrice | float(8) | Best bid price |
BestAskPrice | float(8) | Best ask price |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
LastTradedPrice | float(8) | Last traded price |
NumberOfTrades | float(8) | Number of trades |
Volume | float(8) | Volume |
VolumeWeightedAveragePrice | float(8) | Volume weighted average price |
    Fields of table "bonds" (Bonds)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
FromDate | date(3) | Issuing date |
MaturityDate | date(3) | Maturity date |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company id |
Name | varchar(100) | Name of bond |
Issuer | varchar(100) | Issuer |
Equity_SecurityID | bigint(8) | SID of issuer equity (if listed) |
Equity_Symbol | varchar(22) | Symbol of issuer equity (if listed) |
ISINSubCode | varchar(10) | ISINSub code |
BondType | int(4) | Bond type |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN |
CouponRate | float(8) | Coupon rate |
OpenPrice | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
LastTradedPrice | float(8) | Last traded price |
OfficialVolume | float(8) | Official volume |
UnofficialVolume | float(8) | Unofficial volume |
BestBidPrice | float(8) | Best bid price |
BestAskPrice | float(8) | Best ask price |
    Fields of table "options" (Options)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
SecurityID | bigint(8) | Security id |
Symbol | varchar(16) | Symbol |
ISIN | varchar(13) | ISIN |
Name | varchar(100) | Name of company |
ExpirationDate | date(3) | Expiration date |
UnderlyingSID | bigint(8) | Security ID of underlying security |
UnderlyingISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN of underlying security |
UnderlyingName | varchar(50) | Name of underlying security |
UnderlyingSymbol | varchar(13) | Symbol of underlying security |
BestBidPrice | float(8) | Best bid price |
BestAskPrice | float(8) | Best ask price |
Last | float(8) | Last observed price |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
Volum | float(8) | Volume |
OpenInterest | float(8) | Open interest |
Strike | float(8) | Strike price |
IsCall | int(4) | Call (true) or Put (false) |
    Fields of table "mutualfund" (Mutual funds)
Field name | Type | Description |
Date | date(3) | Date |
Name | varchar(150) | Name |
Symbol | varchar(20) | Symbol |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
ISIN | varchar(20) | ISIN |
NAV | float(8) | Net Asset Value, fair value of the fund share |
FundId | bigint(8) | Fund ID |
Adjusted Price | float(8) | |
Dividends | float(8) | Last payed dividend |
CorpAdj | float(8) | Corp adjustments (splits etc.) |
DividendAdj | float(8) | Dividend adjustment factor |
lnDeltaNAV | float(8) | log return NAV (Adjusted) |
lnDeltaOSEBX | float(8) | log return of the OSEBX index |
lnDeltaOBX | float(8) | log return of the OBX index |
lnDeltaOSEFX | float(8) | log return OSEFX |
SMB | float(8) | SMB Fama-French factor |
HML | float(8) | HML Fama french factor |
LIQ | float(8) | LIQ Pastor-Stambaugh factor |
MOM | float(8) | MOM Fama-French factor |
ID | int(4) | ID |
    Fields of table "SecuritiesInfo" (Stocks info)
Field name | Type | Description |
EventDate | date(3) | Event date |
ToDate | date(3) | To date |
FromDate | date(3) | From date |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | Company id |
ISIN | varchar(24) | ISIN |
Name | varchar(50) | Name |
Symbol | varchar(22) | Symbol |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
SecurityName | varchar(50) | Security name |
SecurityType | int(4) | Security type |
EquityClassId | int(4) | Equity class id |
EventId | bigint(8) | Event id |
DividendId | bigint(8) | Dividend id |
AdjustmentFactor | float(8) | Adjustment factor for corporate events |
DividendInForeignCurrency | float(8) | Dividend in foreign currency |
DividendInNOK | float(8) | Dividend in NOK |
NumberOfDividendsPerYear | int(4) | Number of dividends per year |
TypeOfDividend | int(4) | Type of dividend |
SequenceNumber | int(4) | Sequence number |
Price | float(8) | Price |
SubscriptionPrice | float(8) | Subscription price |
Description | varchar(40) | Description |
CountryCode | varchar(10) | Country code |
Currency | varchar(10) | Currency. Currently allways NOK |
CurrencyCode | varchar(10) | Currency of annual report |
Exchange | varchar(10) | Exchange |
Type | varchar(100) | Type |
NewShares | float(8) | New shares |
OldShares | float(8) | Old shares |
NumberOfShares | float(8) | Number of shares issued (not free float adjusted) |
CompanyOwnedShares | float(8) | Company owned shares |
TotalCompanyOwnedShares | float(8) | Total company owned shares |
TotalNumberOfShares | float(8) | Total number of shares |
NominalValue | float(8) | Nominal value |
    Fields of table "equityindex" (Stocks indicies)
Field name | Type | Description |
ID | bigint(8) | ID |
Date | date(3) | Date |
SecurityId | bigint(8) | Security id |
Symbol | varchar(22) | Symbol |
Name | varchar(100) | Name |
Open | float(8) | Open price |
High | float(8) | Higest observed price during trading day |
Low | float(8) | Lowest observed price during trading day |
Last | float(8) | Last observed price |
lnDelta | float(8) | log change in index value |
    Fields of table "newsweb" (News bulletins)
Field name | Type | Description |
publishTime | datetime(8) | Date the bulletin was published |
NewsWebName | varchar(100) | Name in the NewsWeb system |
EquityName | varchar(50) | Name of matched equity |
EquitySecurityID | bigint(8) | SecurityID of matched equity |
CompanyId | bigint(8) | CompanyID of matched equity |
EquitySymbol | varchar(16) | Symbol of matched equity |
EquityISIN | varchar(13) | ISIN of matched equity |
issuerStatus | varchar(10) | Issuer status |
title | varchar(422) | Title of bulletin |
category | varchar(82) | Category |
market | varchar(28) | Market |
text | varchar(-1) | Buletin text |